The Resistance of Nothingness

Annja Krautgasser

Excerpt from the film Rollenszenen by Annja Krautgasser

curated by Bettina Siegele

Artist Annja Krautgasser explores in Szenen-Zyklus (2015-2024), a series of six film, various concepts relating to collective fears, systemic dependencies, heteronomy, and self-determination as well as individual resistance. The four essayistic film works selected from the cycle for her solo exhibition at the Neue Galerie handle these issues on multiple levels of social coexistence using complex reference systems. Bettina Siegele has curated the exhibition The Resistance of Nothingness especially for the 2024 annual programme of the same name.

Annja Krautgasser (born in Hall in Tyrol, 1971) lives and works in Vienna. Studied architecture and visual media design/new media. Her creative work is characterized by a combination of video, film, dance and the body as well as social intervention.

Exhibitions & Festivals (selection): Diagonale 2024, Graz; Fields, Arsenals Exhibition Hall of Latvian National Arts Museum, Riga (LVA); Paraphrasing Babel, View-master Foundation, Maastricht/Heerlen (NL); I can’t stand the quiet! Tiroler Landesmuseum Ferdinandeum, 2011, Innsbruck (AUT); Giants and mosquitoes, Salzburger Kunstverein, Kabinett, 2011, Salzburg (AUT);Translation is a mode, Kunstraum Niederösterreich, 2010, Vienna (AUT); Asymmetrical Focus, Galerie Stadtpark, 2009, Krems (AUT); CINEPLEX, Secession, Vienna (AUT) in 2009; Recent Changes – Änderungen vorbehalten, Galerie 5020, Salzburg (AUT) in 2008. Krautgasser has participated in Artist-in-Residence programmes in London, Los Angeles (MAK Schindler), Paliano (ITA) and Amsterdam (NL), BMUKK Scholarship Krumau 2014 (CZ, Cesky Krumlov)

Scholarships & Awards: State Scholarship for Fine Arts 2009; RLB Art Prize 2010; Hildegard Goldschmidt Prize 2011; City of Innsbruck Prize for Artistic Creation 2012; Major Art Acquisition by the Province of Tyrol 2015; Paul Flora Prize 2017; 36th Austrian Graphic Design Award, Prize of the Federal City of Vienna 2019; Hilde-Zach Art Scholarship of the City of Innsbruck 2019.